
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Where I Live

So I was headed out to work this morning, headed up toward the causeway as always when I saw a space shuttle piggy backed onto an airplane flying out over the beaches.  They were taking the Discovery to DC to live at the Smithsonian.  It made me think about how much I love where I live. Couldn't get photo, being in the car and all, but believe me when I tell you it was a terrific.  (Photo above taken from my front lawn during an earlier launch). 
Last night we all packed a picnic and headed to the park to have dinner.  There was a flock of Sandhill Cranes frolicking in the field disturbing a group of kids playing frisbee.  Not a bad place to call home.
People come here for vacations, but here I am, every day of the year. 


  1. Nice! It's always a pleasure to be able to associate bloggy friends with pictures of their lives :*)

  2. I agree - I think it would be a fantastic place to live. I have visited only twice and would love to spend my winters there. I had been hearing on the news about the shuttle being moved - how lucky for you to actually see it happen!

  3. Holidays at home - enjoy! :0) I often pretend to be a tourist in my home place just to bring a fresh perspective...and it's lots of fun.

  4. Aw! I miss living in Fl; I was over on the Gulf side (near Pine Island/Cape Coral) and I remember hearing the shuttle re-enter the atmosphere and it shook the entire house!

  5. I have yet to make it to Florida but it does look awesome!


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