
Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day

 Sydney delivered breakfast in bed to me this morning.  She made it all by herself.  I also got a card and some paper flowers that the kids made in school.  Kurt usually helps them do something special, but he has been a bit over-scheduled lately.  I think they all did a great job on their own though. 
After that I finished off the baby quilt.  Hard to believe that this quilt was started yesterday and is already done.  Now it is off to lunch so that we can get Ryan to his last football game of the season. 


  1. Happy Mother's Day. Sounds like you have great kids. Breakfast in bed is pretty cool.

    Congrats on the finish.

  2. Wow on the baby quilt done already. Good to see you got to sew on Mother's day. I got in just a few stitches.

  3. Congratulations on making the baby quilt so quickly! It looks wonderful too. Perfect for a boy quilt. Took a look at your other one and it is gorgeous too.
    How cute was your plate of breakfast :)) I hope you were thoroughly spoiled yesterday. Elly

  4. Nice baby quilt.
    Your little Sydney is definitely a keeper :D

  5. A belated happy mothers' day!


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