
Sunday, June 3, 2012

Birthday Festivities

Yesterday we had a combined birthday party for both Sydney and Ryan.  Sydney had her birthday a couple of weeks ago and Ryan's isn't until next month, but we were only going to rent the water-slide once.  The kids went door to door rounding up people as soon as the slide was delivered at 8 and we had to kick of the last of the group off when the rental company came to pick it up at 7.  In between the kids all ran themselves silly climbing and sliding with a few breaks for food in between.  I am guessing today will be a calm day.  I think the kids are all worn out.  I know I am. 


  1. Sounds like a fantastic, fun way to enjoy a birthday celebration! Did you give it a whirl?

  2. Looks like the kids all had fun. Did you play along?

  3. LOVE IT! Sounds like an amazing summer day. Here's to your day of calmness.


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