
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Boo Botty

When Anna was 18 months old, she started to play with silky slips and bits of satin.  She seemed to like the texture.  I made her a nice little blanket out of purple satin and she named it Boo Botty.  She got purple and blue confused and wasn't quite able to say blanket yet.  She carried it with her everywhere until an unfortunate airplane ride when she was three where it got left behind.  After two hours on hold with the lost luggage people, I gave up and made a Boo Botty 2.0 so that she could sleep at night.   Too say Boo has been loved a lot would be an understatement.  I offered to make Anna a new blanket with lots of soft, fluffy fabrics.  Instead, she asked if I could fix this one up for her.  Of course I can.  Just a little bit of reconstruction and Boo will be good as new. 


  1. I can't wait to see you work magic with Boo Botty! Cute post.

  2. :D Remarkable what value something so simple can have. Enjoy fixing up Boo.

  3. I think she really liked it! :-)

  4. Good luck fixing Boo Botty! It looks well loved.

  5. Good luck fixing Boo Botty! It looks well loved.

  6. What a great story. Good luck with Boo Betty III.

  7. Awww!!! That's too cute! My son had a "bankee" that he carried around until it fell to pieces like that. It wasn't a hand-made one though so it couldn't be easily fixed. I have kept the shreds for him for when he is ready to have them :*)

  8. Some children really take to something like that don't they? My older son used his cot sheet, so I was able to cut it up and always have a spare/clean piece ready. He used his 'coff' (cloth) until he was about four then suddenly stopped.

  9. I kept my sons favourite blankets and teddy bears too. When my youngest son was just around 2 yrs he had a batman cape that my M-I-L made for him. To say he loved it is an understatement. For the longest time I could only take it off him after he was asleep. That has been saved as well and whenever he sees it it brings a smile to his face and he is 22 yrs now!


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