
Saturday, June 23, 2012

Crossing off Another

 When faced with a big pile of unfinished projects, what is there to do except take a deep breath and pick one?  This is the second on my list of quilts that needs to be finished and I am REALLY happy with the quilting.  I am branching out and trying to find new free motion patterns to experiment with.
 This is a free hand Baptist Fan with three humps and about an half inch per blade.  It is really hard to get a good picture of the quilting.  It is amazing how well the sandstone colored thread blends in with all the different fabrics.  I'll go get it trimmed and bound before taking a break and choosing the next project to cross of the list. 


  1. Bravo Angela!!! I spent a few moments reading over the past handful of posts. Great showing of some excellent motivational days. A+ on your progress and quilting!

  2. I agree. I think I better revise my UFO list. I have a few more to add and maybe a couple to cross off. Not sure.

  3. You can't go wrong with red, white and blue and your Baptist fans look great to me. Another awesome quilt.

  4. A really stunning quilt! I'm guessing you own a long-arm?

  5. This looks great! Nice to have one less flimsy to quilt, way to go!

  6. Summer break agrees with you - you are being very productive.

  7. You go girl! It does look great!


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