
Monday, June 11, 2012


Today Ryan wanted to have a superhero movie marathon while his sisters were at camp.  He made popcorn for us both as we sat through Thor followed by Captain America.  Tomorrow we will top it off with The Avengers which is still in theaters.  Obviously I couldn't just sit and do nothing while all that movie watching was going on.  Instead I pulled out the little basket that sits on the end of the ironing board to catch leaders and enders and odds and ends.  Boy do those little guys build up in a hurry!  They are all neatly filed away now with a new set of nine patches are matched up and ready to go.  By the time that was all done it was time to go and start the camp pick up route.  Then we got home and tidied the kitchen after the kids helped me clean out my car.  Not a bad vacation day all.  If it goes on long enough I'll actually get to all the little projects on my list. 


  1. Great multitasking. I always intend to do something like that, then I get so into the movies, I forget what my hands are supposed to be doing.

  2. It is very rare that I can just "sit" and watch TV without doing something else. Great leaders and enders!

  3. I'm with you - I couldn't sit for that long and do nothing; for me it's usually knitting but it could be embroidery, appliqué or cross-stitch.

  4. It is a dead give away that you are a mom, a teacher, and a quilter. Only a combination of the three is able to multitask and accomplish all you did! Love it!

  5. Sounds like each kids gets some Mom only time so far this vacation. Smart planning on your part! Love the multitasking.


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