
Saturday, June 30, 2012

LAST Purple Saturday

I've had fun with purple, but it is time to put it to bed and move on.  With an empty purple scrap jar, I'll square up my crumb blocks today and spend a few minutes tidying so that I can move on to the next color.  I'd give you a hint, but honestly I don't remember.  I have a list though which I will look up and hint away in the very near future.  So show us the last hurrah of your purple scraps and get ready for what is next. 
After that I think I'll spend some time on pieced borders.  Smith Mountain and Flamingo Bay are both finished except for that part.  I'd like to get at least one of them on the frame in the next few days.  My to do list gets wide open after that, as Mom called to request a couple of quilts for family members, I will feel better about starting those if I can empty out the bins a bit.


  1. I'm looking forward to seeing what July's color is. I'm also really enjoying the challenge, so thanks for being mastermind and host!

  2. I started sewing my purple blocks today (Saturday) because I just haven't felt much like sewing this month. And wouldn't you know it, we had unexpected guests. However, I got four blocks done so I will get some photos tomorrow (it's already midnight here) and link up then.

  3. Can't wait to see the color for next month.

  4. You are amazing, you get so much done, quilting, blogging, and working, I'm not sure how you do it. Looking forward to digging in the scrap drawer for a new colour.

  5. Sad to see purple go, but ready for a new color challenge!

  6. I finally done my purple bits and pieces for my Rainbow Scrappy project! Glad to have them caught up. Still have yellow and neutral houses to finish but they're not far off.
    Looking forward to next month's colour :)

  7. Can someone still get in on this challenge?

  8. Another ten blocks done this morning - technically July here but still June and still Saturday there! ;-)

  9. Purple was such a fun month! I actually got my purple pineapples done early :*) Looking forward to the next color ....

  10. Whoot, whoot...can't wait to get on to this next color!


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