
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Almost Done

 Sydney didn't like her fairy tail mermaid room anymore.  She chose a lovely shade of teal blue that would be right at home in a spa.  To go with it she chose zebra stripes.  She wanted the zebra stripes painted right on the wall, but I think we have convinced her that lots of cool zebra striped accessories would be much better and also easier to change out when she changes her mind in a few years.  (Lessons hard learned)

At the end of the first gallon I was this close to being done.  I scraped the bottom of the gallon and tried to make it stretch, but it just was not to be.  I have a second gallon, but it will save until morning.  There will need to be some touching up and second coating where the decorative paint used to be.


  1. Getting the room to change with them as they age is a challenge. We've had pretty good luck with the wall clings for dressing up the rooom in a way that will come down easily. So far I've just had to change those, plus the bedding and curtains to get a different look in the room. At the moment the decor seems to be teenager clutter.

  2. That's not the most exciting way to spend a hot summer's day (unless you're Sydney of course)!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Such a pretty color. Very nice.

  5. Love the color!!! Great job Syd and mom!

  6. I was just going to compliment you on the wonderful cloud you painted until I read on. Maybe you could convince Sydney to have a "lonely cloud" :-D


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