
Thursday, August 2, 2012

Olympic Binding Patrol #2 of 8

 This quilt was supposed to be ready by the 4th of July.  We did take it to sit upon during the fireworks, nobody noticed that the binding was not quite finished.  I got polished off during male synchronized diving.  Could those speedos get any smaller?
The quilting is a freehand Baptist Fan.  I just might be my favorite new quilting pattern. 

I added the baby quilt to the pile in need of binding sewing, so there are still 6 in the stack.  One stitch at a time.



  1. I really like this quilt! Love the color comb and the pattern has complex-looking patchwork that makes it visually interesting. I'm inspired - thanks for sharing!

  2. Love the quilt and great job working through the bindings this week. Yes, those swim suits sure are small! I taped last nights so I can show the kids some of the swimming and gymnastics.

  3. Aqua or tourquoise? (I can't seem to spell that one)

  4. Looks great! I finished mine during diving too! Guess I better get another one ready!

  5. Gorgeous quilt, love the colors, so Olympian.

  6. I like this quilt, too. Good pattern.
    My but you are on a binding roll here!
    We were talking about those tiny swim trunks last night. How do they stay on. The divers hit the water so hard!

  7. Love it, love that you used it sans binding too!

  8. Congrats on finishing the second are definitely in the finishing marathon!
    I have been commenting a lot on the choice of uniforms this the gymnasts who were long sleeves but have their entire butts hanging out...what is with that?!?

  9. Love the quilt - we watched the diving on our computers at work and very much enjoyed the "outfits"!

  10. Love the design of this quilt Angela :) Also like the quilting, I may have a go at that one next time I've a big quilt to quilt.
    It is aqua this month right? LOL... Elly

  11. I love the stars you used in the sashing. It's a beautiful quilt, very patriotic.

  12. Wow! That is some quilt. Look at all that piecing!

  13. I love your quilt! Is it a Bonnie Hunter pattern? I've always wanted to make a quilt that we could use for picnics, but I've worried about what would happen to the back, sitting on the grass or sand, and wondered whether the batting would hold up, getting wet so frequently, especially if we used it regularly at the beach. Do you ever have a problem like that? Do quilts used as picnic/beach blankets hold up? THanks for sharing your work. I am constantly amazed at the speed with which you accomplish your projects!


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