
Monday, September 3, 2012

An Official Start

Having tied off a few loose ends, I felt better about starting a new project.  So after the kids were in bed I settled in for a little bit of new project sewing.  The 25 nine patches are done, with the first 10 bordered and on the wall.  There are 31 four patches pinned together as well and all ready for the border.  I don't have a lot of pinks for the geese, but I will see what I can come up with the next time I have time to sew.  Time is a little harder to find during the week, so it might not be right away.  With that said, I'd better turn in so I can be up bright and early to start the day. 


  1. Such colorful blocks. I'm going to love this colorful quilt.

  2. Wow! That didn't take you long!!! I've barely got some fabrics pulled, and nothing sewn yet :*) But I'm hoping to get started in the next day or so. Looking good so far - love the colors!!!

  3. Looking good! I was just commenting to Amy that Hawaii didn't see any progress (for me) this weekend other than drawing lines on pink squares. Gonna get to it soon!

  4. You made an excellent start. The end block is stunning

  5. Die Blöcke sehen super aus. Tolle Farben.
    Liebe Grüß Grit

  6. Those blocks look great - I'm glad they're officially here!

  7. Beautiful, fun and bright blocks. With all of those adjectives, they have to turn into a wonderful quilt.

  8. Great start. I think I will pass and not start that one. I got my spools as a resent start. Looks good.

  9. A very fun quilt project that you have officially started!

  10. You have a sense of beauty) Your hobby reminded me of my older sister. She was diagnosed with arthritis and she chose such a hobby for herself to constantly train fine motor skills of her hands. While this helps a lot) I advised her to read simply cbd review They say this herbal pain medication works wonders with such a diagnosis. I would like her to feel better.


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