
Friday, October 26, 2012

A Good Day to Stay Home

It seems like a good day to stay inside.  With school cancelled, staying in out of the rain sounds like a very good plan.   We've been through enough real hurricanes to know the difference between this tiny little storm out to sea and the big ones headed straight for us that need to be taken seriously.  
I have a stack of string blocks to work my way through, a quilt waiting for borders, gaggles of geese and a basket of midgets.  Lots of choices and plenty of time.  Can't beat that.  


  1. Enjoy your "free" day Angela! I'm doing the same thing today :*)

  2. I'm hunkered in my sewing room too. You should have seen my little dog during her walk. Hysterical. Wheeee! Feeling a little like Dorothy here...

  3. Hope you are having a good dry day and enjoying a 3 day weekend. Nothing better than spending a good rainy day in the sewing room.

  4. Hehe... love the shot of the palm trees blowing! Sunny here but we are enjoying the wind. Looking forward to seeing what you decided to work on today.


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