
Sunday, October 14, 2012

Handwork on Anything but Slowpoke Sunday

I have a nice little stack of handwork waiting patiently until I am done running around like a decapitated chicken.  First though four days of lesson plans, packing planning, fretting over details that go with missing four days of school and going out of town.  The girls wanted to go to Joann's today for tulle to make Halloween costumes.  I didn't really need anything, but still managed to fill a couple of bags.  I really do try to plan ahead when clearance fabrics are half off.  Then lunch and shopping for some new work shoes and off to buy a new computer so that the kids and  I will stop fighting over the laptop.  I went Mac for the first time ever -- I'm so scared to switch platforms I haven't even opened the box yet.
I think I'm all packed up -- even filled up the little travel shampoo.  The one big decision that remains is what sewing to take along.  I am very tempted to limit myself to handwork and avoid bringing the machine.  Dear Jane would certainly keep me busy for the week and I have some baskets to applique that are portable.  I had thought about taking geese for Hawaii Sunset or a stack of midgets, but I'm not sure I have the energy to get it all organized right now. 


  1. You are going to love your Mac! Have fun!!!!

  2. You sound like me, Sunday is the "get it done day" around here. Enjoy your trip, you probably will once you get gone and get all the packing and planning madness behind you.

  3. I love my MacBook...very user friendly. Open it up and enjoy!
    Hope you have lots of hand stitching time on your getaway.
    Thanks for linking up to Slow Sunday Stitching!

  4. Handwork sounds best! Less luggage, less noise in the evening!

  5. I know how you feel! Whenever I am planning a trip I seem to freeze up when trying to decide what project(s) to take. I usually end up with hand projects unless I am driving and know I will be gone for quite a while. The problem with that is the time and work involved in getting those hand projects prepped for sewing! I've been working this afternoon on putting together a few applique blocks so I'll have them on hand :*)

    Wishing you a safe and enjoyable trip. And fun and enjoyable projects to work on while you are there :*)

  6. Myself I would take the machine, because I know I would get a lot more accomplished that way, being by myself. Handwork would get the same amount done if I was at home in front of the TV. You on the other hand, love handwork a lot more than I do. Whatever you decide to take with you, enjoy the 4 days of freedom, and have a safe and enjoyable trip!!! See ya in about a week or so, take the days off from blogging too. :D

  7. I'm getting ready to buy my first Mac...I think you made a good choice. Have fun on your trip!

  8. I have a Macbook, and love it. It doesn't take that long to learn, and it works so much better than any of the Windows products. The only downside is not being able to run electric quilt on it.

  9. We're a Mac family, and wouldn't be anything else now. You'll have great fun with it. And if you want to run any PC only software, it is possible to set up a parallel desktop that runs them, though I don't know how to do it as my son set mine up. I use it for the Dear Jane programme. Handwork for your trip sounds good, I bet you'll be much too tired in the evenings - if you even have any time off - to want to set up a machine.

  10. You'll certainly have plenty to do with your Dear Jane ;)
    Have fun with your new computer and have a safe trip.

  11. So lovely! Blue and white quilts are wonderful!

  12. After reading this, I need to lie down myself :-D

  13. Open the box! You will love the Mac and keep it for yourself..... especially since it boots up in seconds... not minutes! I love mine and hate going to work and having to do the other operating system. Have fun this week.

  14. I hear ya...try to get in some relaxation too!


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