
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Prep Work

 I am hanging out watching election returns and doing some Midget Block prep work.  Deb was kind enough to let me know that two of the newly published blocks are applique.  As I have a trip coming up next weekend, some applique to do on the plane will be a nice thing to have ready. 
I was a bit worried about long lines when going to vote today.  I knew I would not have a chance until late.  The lines were REALLY long for early voting on Saturday though and I was willing to risk it.  I walked right in this evening, and as I had already filled out my ballot and googled anyone I didn't know, I zoomed right through and walked out right right away.  So now Lizzie and I are hanging out on the couch flipping through the stations and seeing who is winning and who is loosing.  Florida was supposed to go red -- it is looking blue right now.  Any predictions?


  1. I plan on getting some prep work done on the weekend so that I can back into the 'groove'. I do miss working on these little blocks.

  2. Did you work through all the 'extra' applique midgets on the digital download too? Glad to help.
    I did the absentee ballot - nice to have the computer next to me as I voted last week.


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