
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Twice Sewed Quilt

You've heard of twice baked potato, right?  So much more fun than a twice sewn quilt.  It took all day long.  Well, all day that wasn't full of kids and laundry and dishes and such.  I hope everything is all lined up the right way now.  I remember that something got rotated last time I tried to sew this guy together which is when I got sidetracked.  There are borders still to go.  Maybe tomorrow?  Just 4 more vacation days to savor.  I'm soaking up every minute.  


  1. Beautiful! I hope to make one of these this year... or start it anyway.

  2. Enjoy those last days! So glad you had time to fix this today--is really pretty in green!

  3. Very nice! I love this pattern, but I love everything Bonnie comes up with and love the interpretations created by her followers. You have hit this one out of the ball park. My vacation ended yesterday, which made today VERY LONG. Enjoy your remaining days.

  4. Looking good -- and no, I've not heard of double baked potato!

  5. that looks amazing! I love the muted colours you have chosen.

  6. Very pretty! Enjoy your last 4 days of vacation.

  7. Twice sewn - twice as pretty! I am pretty sure you are going to jam-pack the next 4 days with fun, fun, fun!

  8. I love the colours you have used, and this is certainly a quilt I wish to make in the future


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