
Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter Sunday Slowdown

Today was an entire day with absolutely nothing on the schedule.  I love it when that happens.  It is the last day of the orange month as well, meaning I really need to finish off the last little bit of hand stitching on the DJ blocks.  I got most of the 4 triangles done during the drive to camping last weekend, now we are settling down as a family to watch the Lorax and I will stitch a bit more.  I spent the afternoon doing the prep work for the green blocks I hope to finish next month.  Two were so simple that they got finished right away and another one was prepped for hand sewing.  I've been working on spring cleaning this week as well.  The tile in the master bath is impressively clean and three drawers in the kitchen are nicely organized and tidy.  What else?  Oh yes, the countertop in the laundry room where everything seems to collect is empty.  Nobody in my family has noticed any of my projects, but I feel better for having done something productive over the holiday.  


  1. Yay for green! And kudos for your productive homemaking activities - homemakers everywhere appreciate your efforts!

  2. Are you saying that green is our challenge color for April??? cuz of all my scrap bins, my green and my blue bins are stuffed the most. They're really feeling some pain.

  3. Why is it that so much of what we do is not noticed? I know how much better I feel when a drawer is cleaned out or a messy area put in order. Most of the time, my enjoyment is enough :*

    Go Green!!!!

  4. They notice.........they just don't say anything. When you go on strike, they will then say something. Can't believe March is over already, I hadn't even touched my orange, hardly touched the purple either. I will have to dust off the machine when I go up that way tomorrow. Hubby goes back to come my super sewing evenings. Yippeee!

  5. Yay for green... Hopefully sewing with it will speed up it's arrival outside!

  6. love green!
    Hope you enjoyed the lorax and some stitching today!

  7. You did well with your orange DJ blocks :) Funny, but I have a similar counter in my laundry area.


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