
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Home Sweet Home

As much fun as vacation is, coming home again is always so much better.  We were so lucky to have reserved a cabin for our camping trip or we would have been home much sooner.  Flash flood and tornado warnings are a bit more than I am willing to subject the kids to in a tent.  There was lots of good family time.  Even though it turned a little bit chilly, hiking and fishing were still crowd pleasers and the kids were all brave enough to try out swimming in the springs.  They weren't hot springs unfortunately.  Best of all, spring break is only half over so there is plenty time to relax before heading back to school for the final stretch.
I am way behind on blog reading and e-mail, but hope to work my way through it while watching a movie with the kids tonight.  I did get a bit of sewing room time in today and spent it catching up on scrap cutting.  Tackling one color at a time makes it seem less overwhelming somehow.  


  1. The possibility of such bad weather sounds scary to me. So glad you had a great time camping together.

    Now that my sons are grown I miss that - a lot!

  2. The weather has definitely been spring break unfriendly this year. Cabins are great things, not sure I'll ever let my family do any more tent camping ever again. Enjoy the rest of your week. Hope you get lots of stitching time.

  3. Tent? I live in Central Alberta, Canada. Only intrepid Girl Guides/Pathfinders and Boy Scouts attempt to tent in March. I admire your pluck!

  4. Welcome home!!! I've been out and about the last couple of weeks so I'm woefully behind too :*) I'm glad you had such a great time camping!!!

  5. Welcome home! Sounds like you all had a good time.

  6. Sounds like a good time was had by all!


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