
Saturday, March 9, 2013

Scraphappy Saturday - Nothing Rhymes with Orange

Still plugging away on Orange Dear Janes.   It has been chilly here lately, the perfect excuse to stay in and stitch a bit, but work has taken all of my energy this week.  Hopefully this weekend will change all that.
There were so many bright and shiny blocks last weekend that I am feeling inspired.  Have you had a chance to sew together a few bits of happy orange sunshine?  Use the linky below to share your own orange progress so far.


  1. I hear you on the busy week. Hope you can get some relaxing sewing play time in today. I'm going to try too.... I've got nothing orange to show right now!

  2. I have my orange fabric scraps pulled. That is about it so far! Will so a mile a minute strip.

  3. Have managed one block but will return to the sewing room and see what else I come up with! Enjoying watching your Dear Jane blocks multiply!

  4. I have done four of these; now doing bigger ones as my post explains...great fun! Julierose

  5. Morning! Orange you glad we're here. lol I linked up this Saturday with a display of crumb blocks.

  6. Pretty orange Dear Jane block, Angela. Hope next week is better : )

  7. I'm spending the day preparing for a retreat so probably no orange sewing for me this week :( I'll be back next week though! Now I'm off to see what fun everyone else has gotten up to with their oranges.

  8. I'm with you on work zapping energy! I always have to admire your Dear Jane blocks.

  9. Cute block! I didn't spend very much time in my sewing room this week either. I plan to get back in there again this evening.

  10. Haven't seen my sewing room for some time now. 'sigh' I will do my best to get caught up though starting next month, when DH goes on swing shift.

  11. I hope you do get your energy back this weekend. Hopefully a little bright orange will help.

  12. I've managed to do some work on 2 orange projects this week, not sure if I can finish them both this month but will give it a try.

  13. It has been starting to warm up around here this weekend, but still too chilly to think of working outdoors! I'm always ready for an excuse to stay in and sew. I hope you got some of your energy back this weekend!


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