
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Midweek Update

It has been one of those weeks.  I haven't sewn a stitch since last weekend, but I thought I'd share this English Paper pieced block anyway.  I stitched it together Sunday evening during a bit of family TV time.   I enjoyed the process of hand piecing this little block though I'm sure my technique wasn't perfect by any quilt police definition.  I used freezer paper templates from a printed copy of the block.  which have fabric basted to them near the edges.
I'm off to Orlando in the morning for the state level competition of Academic Team.  We'll be staying in Disney World which should be lots of fun.  The kids couldn't miss school on Thursday because of end of the year testing, but they will all come and join me for festivities on Friday and Saturday.  (How could I go to Disney and not bring the kids?)
Ryan and I just got back from the new student orientation night at my school.  He will be a 7th grader next year.  We have a lottery of students to get in, so it was fun to see which of the people we know got accepted.  He signed up for Math Camp already which is a good chance for the new students to get to know one another before the school year starts.  There is math too of course, but that isn't the part I'm concerned about.
It seems like the year is already over with just 8 more days before the big end of course exam for Biology.  I think there are 5 weeks left though, which isn't quite the home stretch.  I've got ScrapHappy Saturday scheduled to post and I'll be sure to check in as soon as I get home again.  


  1. That's an interesting block. I like to EPP so I might try that, but maybe I would have 4 segments in the centre as I can never get the seams to lay flat.
    Enjoy Disney!

  2. Pretty block in blue. Enjoy your time at Disney. I've yet to try EPP. Maybe in one of the future midget blocks...

  3. Very nice - you did a great job. Enjoy your time away!

  4. Great approach to this block!
    Your points look perfect.

  5. I don't think the QP could have much to complain about with that block!

    All those year end memories...but your kids get out early! Our school year runs from just after Labour Day (sometimes even before!) to the end of June!

  6. Very pretty block! Hard to believe another school year is winding down. DT has her first end of term test on Monday.


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