
Monday, April 1, 2013

ScrapHappy Green Month

Feeling green?  I am looking forward to the green grass of spring and hope to use up some green scraps at the same time.  Green is usually a popular color for the scrap jar, so I am hoping to make a big dent.  How about you?  Lots of plans in the works?


  1. Love your green and white blocks. So fresh.
    I think green is perfect for April and I have lots of green scraps. I had more pink, purple and orange scraps, but I'm good for a month of scrappy green fun : )

  2. I love green - perfect for spring - if it ever arrives in the UK, that is!

  3. Oh my yes!!! Green will be a great color for April :*)

  4. I pulled out my scraps, sorted the green, and... Life happened! One set of stitches later (my daughter stepped into my sewing bag and sliced open her foot), I hope to make planes tomorrow.

  5. wow, I can do Green. I have so much green.

  6. Love green and have lots of it!

  7. I have a lot of green scraps and the annual "Airing of the Quilts" will be over by 14 April which gives me half a month to sew other things. Look out scraps, here I come!

  8. Not much green in my stash, but I'm sure I can find a few fun pieces to make a butterfly block.


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