
Monday, July 22, 2013

Settling Back In

I am SO happy to be back home.  The past month has taken a toll though.  Just one too many people coming in and dropping everything off before packing up to leave again.  So far I have restored order to two rooms.
 This is where everyone unloaded their suitcases on the way in.  Most of the contents will go straight to laundry.
Even just having that little bit by the front door empty and clean makes me feel much less anxious.  Does anyone else have trouble sitting in a room full of clutter?  It can't just be me.
 Somehow the family room has become everyones drop off point in the middle of the house.  Most of the cleaning here was just having everyone pick up their stuff.  I didn't even check to see that it got put away, I was just happy it wasn't on the coffee table anymore.
I even dusted and swept.  So much better now.  Maybe I'll tackle two more rooms after lunch, or maybe I'll sneak off and quilt for just a little bit.  Whatever I do, I'll be happy as a clam to be doing it in my own home.  


  1. Welcome home! I am funny about clutter... I can take it up to a point but then it makes me crazy. Enjoy your day.

  2. I'm with you and Deb -- I can take a certain amount of clutter, and I'm as guilty as the rest of them (though, trying to get better!) And then... something will SNAP and it's obsessive-panic mode of cleaning and decluttering everything.

    I can certainly imagine the comfort of being home again. Enjoy your time back home.

  3. I'm a bad clutter person myself. I vote for sewing since you did 2 rooms today. You deserve a reward!

  4. I haven't been following my favourite blogs for a while and so had not read about your mum before. I am so sorry to hear your sad news, I loved the speech that you wrote and I know that it would have been well received at the funeral. My thoughts are with your family x

  5. Welcome home! We have missed you! I too am bothered by the clutter..I can ignore it for only so long and it isn't near as long as other folks. Hope the house is spiffy soon and you have time to sew and relax!

  6. We have the same clutter problem in our entry way. Everything ends up on the floor just across from the front door. I always feel better when that all gets put away.

  7. I find my tolerance for clutter relates to how I feel... If I am anxious or feeling out of control, I am death to clutter. If I'm feeling pretty good, not too busy, I keep up with tidying regularly, so it doesn't get too bad. If I am sick, particularly morning sick, the house gets trashed and I'm too tired to do anything!


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