
Sunday, October 6, 2013

I Sewed!

It seems like ages since I actually made anything.  Time and energy finally coincided today and I have all of the bits and pieces ready to go for H8 from my Dear Jane quilt.  I just need to prep the center for reverse applique and I will have a nice excuse to settle down for a little hand work this afternoon.  Usually I'd find something on TV for background, but ours seems to be stuck on football 24-7 these days.  


  1. Glad you were able to find some time to prep some stitching work. Isn't there a time on Sunday when they aren't playing football?

  2. Your sewing is so exact. Gonna love this one.

  3. Oh Angela, I am so glad you were able to find some time to sew. These Dear Jane blocks are perfect to work on while watching tv. Maybe there is something you can watch on your computer or even listening to music would be nice!

  4. Woohoo! I'm so glad sewing time was yours.

  5. So glad time and energy collided for you today. Enjoy the stitching time with your family.

  6. Must be all the planets, I sewed today too, for the first time since ??????? Your post reminded me, I have a bunch of pink and purple DJ's that I started way back in January, but I have no idea where that project ever went to. I hope you get to sew again real soon.

  7. I think the beginning of the school years knocks most teachers from behind the sewing machine! Glad to see you got in sewing time.

  8. SO glad you had time to do some sewing. Often it seems that the energy and the time and the prep completion just don't jive!

  9. Love your block and so glad you found some time to sew. visiting from Slow Stitching Sunday.
    xo jan@sewandsowfarm


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