
Saturday, November 30, 2013

Still on the Road

We are still off visiting Kurt's family in North Carolina.  Yesterday we went to see Hunger Games and today there is a shopping trip in the works.  I'm enjoying keeping up with everyone else's sewing progress until I can get home again. 
Use misterlinky below to share your progress on the Rainbow Scrap Challenge.  There will not be a new color for December, so feel free to catch up on any color you missed along the way or start putting your blocks together.
Use the misterlinky below to share our progress:

I hope it is working now, it was giving me fits earlier!


  1. No new color? Choices might be harder than following your direction!

    Thank you again for a year of fun, and I hope you are able to rest at least a little this weekend!

  2. I was hoping December a month to catch up or start putting blocks together. I can't wait to join my star blocks into a quilt!
    Thanks for a great year and I look forward to continuing the challenge in 2014.

  3. I was hoping December was a put together month again this year! Maybe I can put the snails trail, orange peel and last year's bita together. Well, I'll be happy if one of them gets together =).
    A big Thank you for having this wonderful link up each Saturday despite your very busy life. Have a safe trip home this weekend.

  4. Sounds like you are still having a great Thanksgiving.

    Since I am 10 months behind, I could use a chance to catch up, but that's not likely. Enjoy the holiday.

  5. I know I need a few more blocks and I'm hoping to spend some time laying them out this month. And, I have way too many ideas for next year!


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