
Sunday, December 8, 2013

Slowing Down Now

 At the end of a long and busy weekend, it feels to good to just sit for a few minutes.  Thanks to my handy bobbin ring and tin of sewing supplies, everything I need to finish off the binding for the Green Crossroads quilt is ready to go.
I am sitting here in the light of a partially decorated Christmas tree planning on a little slow Sunday stitching.  I'm waiting for Kurt to move the ladder to the other side of the tree so that I can get decorations on the other top half.  The girls and I have just gotten back from a movie, grocery trip and hair cuts.  Frozen was just adorably cute.  It even kept me surprised and avoided all of the really predictable Disney plot lines.  Be sure to visit Kathy's Quilts and see what slow Sunday handwork everyone else has going on.  


  1. Woohoo! I'm so glad you had a chance to sit down and sew.

  2. I love my little sewing station. I figured out years ago that if I didn't keep things together and in the same place I spent all my time looking for them and not getting things done. Really cold here so it feel good to sit under a quilt and put in some applique stitches.

  3. I am looking forward to seeing that movie.
    Enjoy some relaxing stitching!

  4. Binding is such a peaceful pasttime isn't it? I love your tall tree!!! It bet it is amazing when it is done :*) Enjoy both!!!

  5. Glad you were able to sit long enough to do some stitching!

    I really like your backing fabric - very nice.

  6. Your tree looks great! Nice to slow it down and do some hand stitching! I need to get back to my sock knitting!

  7. Enjoy the stitching relax time.

  8. What a tall and lovely tree you have. It is hard to find time to stitch during this busy month.

  9. It seems like this time of year you have to want time to sew/quilt. Lots of distractions to get in the way! The movie sounds like a great one.:)

  10. That's quite a tree! Glad you got to slow down some.


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