
Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Rainbow Sampler - Anvil

I've been on the prowl for simple traditional blocks that can be made from squares and half square triangles.  There are so MANY!
 This one uses units cut from 3.5 inch and 2 inch strips.  I used one dark and one light fabric.
Match the dark and light 3.5 inch strips, right side together and use the easy angle ruler to cut 2 pairs of HST units.
Match the dark and light 2 inch strips, right sides together and use the easy angle ruler to cut 4 pairs of HST units.

** If you are not an easy angle ruler user, you could use the easy sandwich method.  There is an explanation here as well as a link to a video showing how it works.  I used this method for years before figuring out how to use the easy angle.  If you are making HST units from squares they should be cut 3 7/8 inches for the large and 2 3/8 for the small I think using the add 7/8 to the finished size rule.  **

Also cut two squares of light and dark fabric from the 2 inch strips.
Sew the large and small HST units together, trim the dog ears and press toward the dark fabric.
 The layout looks like this.  The two  four patches have one light square, one dark square and two HST units.  Notice the layout of the HST units.  Assemble the four patches and press.  They should be 3.5 inches unfinished.
 Arrange the large HST blocks together with your assembled four patches as shown.
Here are your four sections sewn together.

Check out the RSC Sampler tab for an ongoing list
There is a Pinterest Page as well


  1. Thank you for giving directions using the Easy Angle ruler. I think it is the best method and I've been working to make some other blocks using it.

  2. I definitely need to get into the sewing room tonight so I can play with my scraps.


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