
Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Rainbow Scrap Challenge Sampler - Jacob's Ladder

Another classic block based on simple subunits.
This one has half square triangles made from 2.5 inch strips and four patches made from 1.5 inch strips.

The HST units were made using the easy angle ruler again.
Layer light and dark pink fabrics, right sides together and cut 4 triangles.
I think about 6 inches in length for these fabrics should be enough.

For the four patches, layer dark and medium 1.5 inch strips of fabric together and sew into a strip set.  You will need 10 - 1.5 inch segments which will require at least 15 inches of fabric.  This can be in one long strip or two 8 inch strips

While you are at the machine, go ahead and sew the HST units together along the hypotenuse.

 Press toward the dark fabric in both cases.
Take the strip set and sub cut into 1.5 inch segments.
Remove the dog ears from your HST blocks.

Sew the four patches together and rotate the seams for pressing.  Make sure they are 2.5 inches unfinished.

Here is the block layout.  The dark corners of the four patches are all pointed in the same direction and the HST units are pointing toward the center of the block.
Sew the subunits together as you would for a nine patch.  When sewing the rows together, make sure to nest the seams.  If find it easier to press the seams away from the HST blocks to make it possible to try to get decent points.  Perfect points aren't really my thing, but I do try to make an effort.
Here it is all pressed and ready to add to the ever growing collection.  


  1. This is one of my favorite blocks and it looks great with planned colors/fabrics and totally scrappy.

  2. I love classic blocks! And this is one that you can do so much with. I love it in pinks!!!

  3. This has always been one of my favorite blocks -- specially with scraps :)
    Glad to see you've had some time to share some more scrap blocks for all of us.

  4. Agreed. It is a great classic block and it's good to have a few more blocks to work on for the challenge.

  5. So pretty. I had to google whole quilts because I couldn't picture it. Could be fun but looks like a lot of work.
    Speaking of a lot of work, how's your DJ?

  6. Different to mine, which are scrappy. So pretty in planned colours


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