
Saturday, February 1, 2014

ScrapHappy Saturday -- Pink Pretties

First, let me announce the winner of the hand dyed fabric from Vicki Welsh.  I used this handy random number generator to choose Kathy S. from Kathy's quilting blog!  Congratulations Kathy, I can't wait to see what you create with your new fabric.  Please send me your snail mail via e-mail and I will drop your package in the mail.  Many thanks to Vicki for sponsoring the giveaway, because creating new scraps is almost as fun as even more fun than using the ones you already have.  Everyone else please check back next month for another giveaway.
My pink Mai Tai blocks got this far last year as leaders and enders during the pink month.  Today I will take them to the next step.  It looks like there is a nice stack of nine patches ready to frame as well as some of the split half triangle blocks ready to be put together to make the star units.
First I'm dropping Ryan off for another math competition.  This one is local though, so I can come home and sew in between.  This afternoon will be the quiz bowl part of the competition and I will go up and watch.  He was third in his school competition last week, I was pretty proud as he was the highest ranked 7th grader.  Even though it was at the school where I teach, I had to teach all day and didn't get to see any of the matches.  I'll feel like a better mom If I can watch him, even though as a typical 12 year old boy, he just doesn't seem to care.
Looking forward to seeing the begining of your pink creations.  Use the linky tool below to lead us to your post.  Don't forget to visit other people and give them some support and encouragement.


  1. Your pink blocks are coming along nicely. Have a great Saturday!

  2. Kids are so understanding, aren't they? I can't see any of Cassie's tournament today because I'm parenting solo and need to get Caitlyn to her tournament. Their contests are 2.5 hours apart from each other. LOL. Ain't gonna happen.

    Some people must really think we are crazy! We get time off, yet we schedule every minute to the brim! Enjoy your on-off sewing time today! I can' wait to see what I have scattered about the sewing room in pinks.

  3. Congrats to Ryan on his accomplishments - that's super!!! You have every reason to be proud :)

    I'm looking forward to digging in the old scrap bins today to see what is in the pink bin :*) It's softness always delights me after all the bright colors I usually play with.

  4. I'm really enjoying this challenge, even if my production rate is low. We're going to have a ball working with pink this month, after all blue is blue!

  5. Well done to Ryan. You must be so proud. I don't seem to have many pink scraps but will try to rustle up a house or two!

  6. Congratulations to Kathy and Ryan!

  7. Nice pinks. I love that you feel like a better mom if you watch - believe me - even though they act like they don't care... they do... and their friends do to ;-) Enjoy your day!

  8. So close to winning, but you picked the wrong Kathy!! LOL Having fun today with pink scraps!

  9. Congrats Ryan! He really does like having you watch him, even if he doesn't show it. Have fun sewing today.

  10. I am really enjoying the kaleidoscope blocks and look forward to the row quilt. Just love this challenge!

  11. Good luck to Ryan. You are right to be proud! Mai Tai looks fun.

  12. Oh no, Angela. You were supposed to draw my name! lol. Congratulations to the lucky winner : )

  13. Congrats to the winner...although I was hoping it would be me!

  14. Yeah!!! I'm so excited to win this month. My e-mail is Shahann at yahoo dot com. I can't get your e-mail link to work. Can you e-mail me your e-mail address so that I can send you my snail mail address? Boy that sounds silly. THANKS!!!!

  15. Found some pink scraps to do a wonky star.
    What will I do next

  16. I love all the blocks, pink is such a fun color.

  17. What a great accomplishment for your son! Both of my children excelled in Math and it has paid off! Pulling my pinks out Monday to get some blocks made. Can't believe it's February!

  18. Congrats to Kathy! I am always drooling over Vicki's fabrics. Also to Ryan -- math still comes natural to me -- could be why my degree is in accounting AND, why my quilts are geometric rather than artistic.

  19. Sorry I'm a day late, but I made it.

  20. Your pink blocks look great, looks like you've got a good start on the pink scraps.

    I guess they get independent and don't want you to think that they need you there. Drama Teen has asked that we not attend the State Science Fair this year, she wants to go with the school.

  21. Two pink things this weekend - one Saturday and one Sunday - woo hoo!

  22. I can't believe how munch people have done in pink already! I haven't quite got over the blues yet LOL


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