
Saturday, April 19, 2014

ScrapHappy Saturday - Visiting Violet

Though I have enjoyed seeing everyone else's purple projects, I must admit to being swept up in school right now with no time left to sew.  I know I keep saying this, but things really will slow down soon.  The last Lacrosse game of the season was Wednesday, Track is over, one by one, school things are winding down.  Today I will be at school all day hosting the AP Biology End of Year Review for students from all over the county.  Though it will be a busy day, it is lots of fun, and gets us all one step closer to the end of the year.
So for now, I will enjoy visiting all of you and hope for a bit of calm sometime soon.


  1. Haven't got much to show for this month. My feet haven't touched the ground for weeks either.

  2. I hate it when life gets so busy I have no time for sewing! But as you say, it always slows down, and it sounds as though your busy-ness is mostly fun :)

    I didn't find time to play in the purples anymore this week, but I am sharing my work on assembling some blocks from last year :)

  3. Busy, busy, busy! Hope you get some sewing done soon!

  4. Good Morning. I've linked up my batch of purples today. I look forward to visiting all the new link ups. I wish everyone a happy blessed Easter.


  5. I use my sewing time at the end of a busy day to unwind. I find it relaxing just to do some mindless chain piecing while my mind works though things. The end of the school is always so busy.

  6. You have been busy. I understand perfectly. I've linked up my March rainbow block and hope to get the purple done before too long.

  7. Thanks for hosting RSC14! It is a nice little get away from other commitments!

  8. I forgot to link up last week, so linking today.

  9. Hope things continue to wind down. We are on the same track here. Just one more tournament and club volleyball is over.


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