
Saturday, May 3, 2014

T-Shirt Flimsy

I got the t-shirt quilt put together!  I am pondering another border, but I'll let that mull overnight.  I even have backing fabric so I'll be able to get it loaded on the frame bright and early tomorrow morning.  I think graduation is still 3 weeks away, so there is even time to spare.  I'm not at all sure what thread to use for quilting.  Gray?  Dark blue? Bright blue?  What do you think?


  1. Another border in a dark blue would really accent it...

  2. Very nice! I think gray would be a good color for the quilting.

  3. What a lovely comment on the thread...sorry.

  4. I'd probably go with gray. I don't think it needs a border unless you want to make it larger. Great job being ahead of schedule.

  5. Looks great Angela! I think I would go with the thread that blends in the best but still allows you to see the quilting texture.

  6. I think the colour rather depends on how intense you intend quilting. I'd go for pale gray as being the least intrusive colour. Whatever colour you choose it's going to show up on most of the blocks.

  7. I think gray. Tell us how you worked with the knits? Did you use a fusible layer or something?
    Are the sashings knit also?

  8. Your top looks fantastic! And ahead of schedule? That is wonderful. If it was me I would probably add another border. Quilting thread? I would have to lay the threads out along the top to be able to really tell. But maybe a medium gray? Or a variegated?


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