
Saturday, June 14, 2014

ScrapHappy Saturday - Sunny Skies

Yellow sure does brighten things up!  There have been 7 sampler blocks so far this month.  One of them was accidentally posted earlier though, so be sure to check out the RSC Sampler page for links to all the tutorials.  Follow the link or look for the tab at the top of the page.  There are also pictures of all the blocks on my Pinterest page if you want a sneak peak at the ones that haven't been posted yet.
I'm thinking about working ahead a bit now that summer has come.  The girls will both be at a theater camp for the next two weeks so it will just be Ryan and I rambling around the house together during the day.  I might just take advantage of the opportunity.
I hope you are all finding some time to sew a bit these days.  I know summer is the busy season for a lot of you with gardening and kids out of school for the summer.  Still I hope you are all finding a few minutes each day to stop and enjoy some quiet sewing time.
Use misterlinky below to share your yellow projects.


  1. Love the top left scrappy block. Happy Saturday sewing!

  2. Fav block in that line up is the star on the bottom left. All gorgeous!

  3. I hope you have a pleasant and quiet two weeks! My kids leave for Florida Thursday, but I'm staying home with the baby and hoping for quiet as well.

  4. Enjoy your bonding time with Ryan! Maybe he can make a quilt =). My Saturday just got modified so hopefully I can keep kids entertained and still get a little yellow sewing in today.

  5. It will be really nice for you to spend some time with Ryan. Somehow, I think you will find plenty of things to do to fill your time!

  6. Yellow is the happiest color! What great blocks. Have a great weekend!

  7. Great blocks, especially the Alamo Star.

  8. Always love the variety of blocks. I agree yellow is a great color, not sure why I have so little of it in my stash.

  9. Hope your summer doesn't fly by too quickly!

  10. Great looking sampler blocks. I see you are summer break and getting a little more time to sew.

  11. Yellow isn't one of the areas I most need to descrap in, but it's fun to work with anyway. Thanks!

  12. Love all the sampler blocks. Hope you can sneak in some stitching, especially since your head count is done a bit during the day.

  13. Is this a weekly linky?
    I am working on yellows in hexies and hope to have them done by next Wednesday for my WIP Wed. post.
    I'm going to be in heaven checking out every link from every week as I am in love with YELLOW!

  14. I thought there was a linky every Saturday and I usually miss them, so I've linked with last week Mr. Linky. Hope that is ok. Thanks much.


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