
Saturday, July 19, 2014

ScrapHappy Saturday - Red Continues

I've been making red fabric out of red strings.  How about you?  Feeling terribly behind after getting back from vacation, but hoping to catch up with everyone today.  Use misterlinky below to let us know what is going on in your neck of the woods.


  1. I spent yesterday sewing little scraps to foundation papers to go into a modern quilt. I am addicted. My kind of piecing.

  2. Want to come and declutter and organize my house up a bit? That is on the to do list for tomorrow after working - tackle the pantry area and the garbage/coffee storage area. Notice I did not mention the sewing room? That would need a week =).

  3. I used up strings this week too.

  4. I shared all my red works last saturday, but I still enjoy the show every week. I will be checking out everyone's creations.

  5. I love your red strings. I think I have all my red done for the month, but I'll be back next week to see what everyone else is doing!

  6. I'm still stitching ... almost caught up now! Funny thing is that I actually ran out of red scraps and had to dig into the partially cut fat quarter stash (also a good thing). One seam at a time . . .

  7. Thanks for the linky, Angela. It's always fun to see the new blocks, and who is doing them.

  8. Fabric strings are good, you're sewing this is great!

  9. I did a bunch of decluttering in my fabric closet this week. Now I can actually walk in there and find stuff!

  10. I'm still putting away all my green scraps and finishing up my yellow blocks. I did find some time to start gathering up all my red scraps. Maybe next weekend I'll have something to show off.

  11. Not much to show for red unfortunately, but it is still fun looking at everyone elses projects!

  12. I haven't tried making fabric from scraps yet. As my scraps get smaller, I'll try that technique.

  13. So enjoying taking a part in this Challenge, hope you
    have another one next year! Thanks Angela, great seeing what very one else is posting.

  14. I'm still so glad that I ran across the challenge as it's challenging me to get the hexagons done. Otherwise, I probably would have put them to the side other than maybe working on them in my monthly stitch group.
    I'm going to an Encounter this weekend and will at least sew on them on the bus there and back home.

    I'm anxious to know what next month's color is going to be.


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