
Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Back into the Groove Again

So my first day of school photos got taken on the third day of school this year.  What a slacker mom.  Anna is in 9th grade this year.  High School!  It doesn't feel quite so different because our school is 7 thru 12.  Ryan is finishing middle school with 8th grade and Sydney still has two more years of elementary.  They all seem happy with their schedules and teachers, though it has been an adjustment for sure.  Gone are the lazy happy days of summer wondering what to do with the day.  Instead we are just making sure to fit in everything that needs to get done.  We started with a full 5 day week this year and I am sure we will all be dragging a bit by Friday while we adjust to the new schedule.    No time for sewing so far, but maybe on Friday?  We are headed out this weekend for a memorial service for  Aunt Maryanne in St. Augustine.  She passed away earlier this summer, but they timed the service to allow family to get together and visit a bit.  


  1. Holy moly! They're so grown! I didn't realize Cassie and Ryan were the same age; I always was under the impression that Cass and Anna were the same.

    So, you touched on them, but how is Teacher Mom doing? ;) Hopefully your schedule is satisfyingly manageable.

    Happy 2014-2015!

  2. The kids are getting tall! Hope your schedule is great and your classroom kids are fab this year!

  3. Kids grow up so fast! I hope you have a great school year!

  4. Wow, they have grown. It's amazing how fast that happens. Hope they all have an amazing school year.

    Now that I have a sophomore, I'm realizing how fast high school is going!

  5. You have beautiful children. Time does march on!

  6. What a fun little group you have there...may have to get used to a quiet house

  7. Give yourself credit for remembering!! Thats always half the battle!


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