
Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Back to School Sewing

I bought some periodic table fabric from Spoonflower ages ago.  I got intimidated though, when I realized that most of the rare earth elements (the yellow ones at the bottom) needed to be individually pieced together.  I didn't have any wall space to hang it in my classroom anyway, and so it got saved.  After moving a few things around at the end of last year, I found some space that might work and thought about giving the periodic table quilt a try again.
So I took a deep breath and started cutting the elements out with a quarter in seam allowance.  I still need a small white border on the right and bottom.  Maybe I can get it quilted this weekend.
The first two days of preplanning went well.  They are trying hard to give us more planning time this year.  After losing a planning period last year, everyone is desperate for more time to get things done.  Maybe someone is finally hearing us, because so far we've only had two hours of meetings each day.  Unheard of!  Usually it is at least 4 hours of sitting in meeting each day while making a list of all the things you are hoping to get done before the kids show up bright and shiny.  Monday is the big day for the kids.  Registration is tomorrow, so we'll start seeing their happy faces again soon.  


  1. The new school year is always exciting while we anticipate it starting, but sad knowing our summer fun is over. Hope you have a wonderful school year!

    Monday is the big day for some schools in the area, and most of the rest will start by next week Thursday. I do staff development work with regional schools and have 7 pre-service workshops in the next 9 days. Hope the rest go better than the one today.

  2. It is always an exciting time of the year. The kids started back yesterday here.

  3. A periodic chart wall hanging is a fun idea. DT is taking high school chemistry this year. I've been quizzing her in the car about the chemical symbols for each element. She has a test on Friday.

    Hope your back to school prep is going well.

  4. Sounds like your voices were heard so you are getting a bit more time to set up and plan. Hope your kids are enjoying the last week of summer. Mine can't wait to find out who their teachers are on Friday.

  5. What a fun quilt idea!
    I was always so happy when school started again. You reminded me of those feelings of anticipation :)

  6. It has been a while since we have had the anticipation of a new school year at our house. I do miss those days!

  7. Hope you have a wonderful new school year!

  8. Ah! The excitement of a new school year! The nightmares! The chaos! And then the big day arrives and it all becomes routine again. Having enough planning time is always a challenge. Many Canadian kids don't go back till after Labour Day so we're all still in holiday mode. How much fun will it be to have such a unique periodic table!


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