
Saturday, August 30, 2014

ScrapHappy Saturday Farewell and Moving On

 I'm feeling done with green.  I might putter a bit more today while cleaning them up and putting them away.
But I am feeling ready to jump into orange.  Bright, happy and beautiful orange.
While getting ready to start a new month, I'll go ahead and open up the giveaway for September of beautiful hand dyed fabric by Vicki Welsh.  I've already started to talk to Vicki about next year and I am really excited about the wonderful plans that we have worked up together. I won't say more than that, but be sure to keep some scraps for the new year if you can.   To enter the giveaway, just leave a comment with your one word goal for the weekend.  It is a three day weekend for me and my one word is SEW.  


  1. I haven't done any greens this month but looking forward to next month. My word is FAMILY.
    I had a great day with my daughter and husband today. We enjoyed lunch and some shopping time together.

  2. I have had little time to sew this month, and I am way behind with my green goals. Sigh.
    Sadly, my word for tomorrow is WASHING. It has rained, and rained, and rained for what seems like an eternity, but in actual fact is about 3 weeks, so we have run out of everything.
    There might be time to squeeze in a bit of sewing between the trek out from the laundry to the washing line ;-)

  3. Bind

    Orange is going to be fun this year, I actually have scraps!

  4. Stitch! Machine and hand! Looking forward to orange!

  5. Sharks!

    Working on shark Christmas gifts, lol :)

  6. PUPPY! I have managed some sewing, but its all about our new puppy at the moment!!

  7. Relax!

    And don't worry, I'm sure I have plenty of scraps for the new year. No chance of running out!

  8. Family
    So excited about orange month!

  9. Decide! I need to decide on a quilting pattern for my Hunter's Star quilt and start the quilting!

  10. Quilting! (Long-arm quilting)

  11. SO happy to hear Orange is next - very big smile :*)

  12. Appliqué. Working on flowers for one quilt and buffaloes for another!

  13. Relax! Never fear -there will always be scraps to sew.

  14. Rest!

    I definitely will be saving scraps for next year. Looking forward to it.

  15. Well, my weekend was over before I read this post (it's Sunday 6:30pm here in Sydney, Australia which means it's 4:30am Sunday in Florida!)
    My one word for this weekend was "flowers" -- spring starts tomorrow and I just wanted to plant some bright, colourful flowers! We bought them but circumstances prevented planting which will happen tomorrow.
    My RSC green "story" is part of my "Something Old, Something New" post which will be up on Tuesday (Australia time) so late Monday for you -- I'll link up then. I hope you're having a great three-day weekend.

  16. So pleased to see orange for September - lots of orange fabrics!
    My thumbnail is an old photo, having problems reducing the size presently!
    Looking forward to the ideas from yourself and Vicki for next year, hopefully I will then be au fait with getting thumbnails - any instructions would be gladly received.

  17. I'm hoping I do better with orange in September than I did with green this month. I just didn't have enough light/bright green to make a lot of blocks.

  18. Sew! (is a good one)

    yay for orange.


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