
Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Hotel Room Quilt Retreat

I'm all settled into my hotel room with my sewing machine and all the supplies I will need.  Ready to do a little sewing -- on a school night!  I am at the EOC Item Specification and Review Committee, and though the days are full of question editing, the nights are open for quilting fun!
Deb has been kind enough to write up 2 block tutorials to fill in during my absence.  Be sure to head over to her blog, and tell her I said THANKS!  I'll be sure to put up some more blocks when I am back home again, until then, I'm sewing stars.


  1. Enjoy your pieceful quilty evenings :)

  2. great use of your free time! I'm sitting in a hotel (education conference) tonight too. But all I brought along is some hand work. And I went out to a great supper with a couple of colleagues that I don't get to see very often.

  3. A terrific set-up to return to after meetings all day! Nice, fun and relaxing evenings are a perfect end to the day.

  4. I would love to take a motel retreat....minus meetings or anything else during the day.
    I should just save up my money to do it!

  5. Pretty stars! Hope you enjoyed your evening of sewing.

  6. You look like Bonnie, all ready to sew in a hotel room!


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