
Saturday, October 25, 2014

ScrapHappy Saturday - Dawn to Dusk

As the year starts to wind down, I've been thinking a lot about finishing things up.  Something about the start of a new year makes me want to have all the loose ends tied off.  Well, some of the loose ends at least.  With fall in the air, and Christmas decorations starting to show up in the stores, I'm feeling the urge to start the finishing process on a few things.
How are your rainbow scrap challenge projects coming along so far?  Now is a great time to take inventory and think about how many more blocks you might need.  November will be the last month with an "official" color, with December reserved for putting it all together.
Use the linky below to keep us up to date on your projects.


  1. I'm feeling pretty good about where I'm at. One quilt is complete, two are basted for quilting, and one has all the blocks finished. I hope to get those wrapped up this year, and I've already started next year's projects! I'll probably add something else next year, but it's been a great scrappy year!

  2. Each of my projects need blocks from 12 months - so none of my finishes for this year's blocks will happen until January at the earliest.

    I've already gathered my ideas for 2015 . . .

  3. Since for many of my projects I've made small blocks I think a lot of my projects will continue into another year. I hope you are planning another year! Thanks for hosting!

  4. I'll have to add a couple of blocks to each of my scrap challenge projects, but I don't think that will be too hard.

  5. Recognized many of my Rainbow Challenge friend's quilts over at Blogger's Quilt Festival. It's like old home week :)

  6. Thanks Angela, a tally is just what I needed and actually how I tackled my RSC projects last night, closer than I think, and ready to finish up a few projects.

  7. Now is that sunrise or sunset we're seeing in your photo? What a great shot! I really appreciate having December to close up the 2014 RSC but I can't help but wonder what you've got in store for November.

  8. I've been trying to finish up projects all year, but am very easily distracted. LOL Hoping to get more brown blocks sewn before November is here.

  9. Definitely planning to finish the Scrap Jar Stars this year - or at least get started. My sampler blocks may have to wait for a bit before they are assembled. The remainders of this year's RSC blocks will continue as ongoing projects in 2015.

  10. What a beautiful photograph to start off your post!
    Your words about looking to have loose ends tied off is very timely indeed, I need to get on with clearing up projects. I now realise of course that I need all the blocks ready in four/five weeks - panic stations!!!! Need around 30 more cats so I', going to be "burning the midnight oil".

  11. Of the four big ongoing RSC projects I have in progress, I hope to finish--the tops anyway--2 or 3 of them.

  12. projects and more projects is what I have.
    I look forward to seeing what next months colors are and making even more hexagons :)


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