
Saturday, November 1, 2014

ScrapHappy Saturday - Baby Blues

I know that blue has already been a color.  We even did a month for blue/greens.  But my blue drawer is STILL overflowing.  So this month we are going to work on whittling down the lighter shades.  Having some light and brights will add sparkle and contrast to the finished quilt.
Because it is the first Saturday of a new month, we will also have a drawing for a lovely bundle of hand-dyed fabric made specially by Vicki Welsh.  To enter the drawing, just leave the name of the one quilt you plan to finish between now and the end of the year.  I will announce the winner next Saturday.


  1. A wall hanging that will go into an exam room in the clinic where a family member works.

  2. I will finish a pirate themed Happy Block quilt and maybe, just maybe Orca Bay UFO.

  3. I plan to finish Easy Street by the end of the year...I hope!

  4. I want to finish my Boxy Stars and get a good start on a quilt top for a teenage boy who is like a grandson to me.

  5. I'm planning on finishing my christmas redwork embroidery edged with red and white pin wheels! Ready of course for Christmas!!

  6. I will be finishing the hand binding on the rescued scrappy double wedding ring quilt AND I'll be finished the rescued vintage nine patch quilt.

    Oh, and I'll be working with golds most of the month (that was the color most absent when I had all my blocks out last month). I may try to sneak in a few baby blues - but it will depend on time available.

  7. I want to finish my Soul Searching quilt by the end of the year.

  8. I have a few I hope to finish, but the most important in the quilt for my son's bunk bed. We could have used it last night, when the temps in the house dropped 5+ degrees.

  9. I plan to enlarge and finish Moth in the Window and hopefully Herringbone before the end of the year!

  10. Sadly, none. I am taking EMT course and it finishes in January. :(
    But, then...we'll see.

  11. I plan to finish Oh, Christmas Tree...a wallhanging, but I can use it for a tablerunner as well.

  12. My MAIN focus through the end of the year is finishing memory quilts made with my dad's shirts. I have two tops to finishing piecing and one quilt that needs binding.

  13. I have a LOT of blue scraps and scrappy pieces of blue in my stash. But I try to do a lot of guy friendly quilts and use a lot of blue.
    I want to finish my 6.5" rainbow sampler quilt before Christmas : )

  14. A OSU Buckeye quilt for my granddaughter for Christmas.

  15. I plan to finish my three quilts that are Christmas gifts. Then, I'll work on something for myself!

  16. I read once that the most popular color for fabrics is blue–it's no wonder your blue scraps are overflowing ... I know mine is, too and suspect we aren't the only ones ...

  17. Oh y gosh - My Plaid String Quilt... and!!! bonus - I even found some light and tealish blues for this month!!

  18. Celtic Solstice will get finished this month! So nice to meet you today! Thanks for coming over so the kids could continue to play at the beach.

  19. I need to finish a baby quilt for my niece. The baby is due in January, but we will be seeing niece & her husband at Thanksgiving, so I would like to give it to them then.

  20. I have made kitten preserves so they will keep and I'm under no pressure to finish that quilt. So I'm going to finish the mice quilt first to make sure they don't get any bigger.

  21. I plan to finish a queen sized cowboy/cowgirl quilt. I just have the binding left to go...the end is in sight!!

  22. I expect to finish a quilt top created with the disappearing pinwheel block or churn dash? it needs sashing and quilted. I have two other tops that are lined up hoping to finish before the new year arrives too.

  23. I want to finish my Stars over Mitford quilt. However I have a number more I need to do too.

  24. Well my planned quilt for a finish is a toss up between
    my Scrappy Bargello and Cotton Candy. As I have a few gifts to make for Christmas I shall finish up whichever quilt will take the least time!

  25. I have a mystery quilt from 4-5 years ago that I did in Christmas fabrics. I'm going to sandwich, quilt, bind and enjoy it in December!

  26. Oh you know I love those BLUES!!!! I plan to finish up my Bargello Tree Skirt so I can use it under my tree this year :) Thanks so much to you and Vicki for the chance to win! Linking my post up tomorrow morning :)

  27. I plan to finish up my love quilt. My list is long.....

  28. Between now and the end of the year...hhmmm....I would love to complete my Charming Stars quilt with the sewalong. I'm not sure when she has it set to finish.
    I also need to finish the Goodnight Irene from her previous sewalong.
    I also have a scrappy rectangle quilt that someone is interested in maybe buying if I will only finish it.

  29. Finally posted my link... my computer was acting up and couldn't get it done!
    I plan to finish hand quilting my block sampler quilt be the end of the year.


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