
Saturday, December 27, 2014

LAST ScrapHappy Saturday of 2014

It is hard to believe that another year has almost gone.  Despite all my scrap using efforts these past 4 years, I still have plenty left to use.  So if you are new and joining in for 2015, welcome!  We are happy to have you join.  Feel free to introduce yourself and let us know what you have planned for the RSC15.  If you are already part of the rainbow scrap challenge, please share your accomplishments from the last year.  Feel free to brag just a bit, we'd love to see your rainbow scrap projects and know what is in store for next year.  
I must confess that I have already gone into full preparation mode for 2015.  One of my new projects is going to be an orange peel quilt.  I do pretty well with applique as long as it is prepped and ready to go.  So as I've been finishing New York Beauty blocks lately, each fabric gets put aside for an orange peel.  I'm saving each color in its own little baggie, so as the colors come up, I can pull out a baggie and begin to sew.


  1. My RSC14 row quilt is on my design wall. I am nearly finished adding the separating sashing between the rows. I am also raiding my RSC14 box of scrappy blocks, the wonky log cabins and the skinny rails -- all from this challenge. I will be using the skinny rails for one of the outer borders and the wonky LC in areas on the backing. I have been pondering the quilting, suppose i won't decide on that until actually ready. I am a walking foot quilter on my DSM. If it is done before the new year, that is a bonus.

  2. All six of my 2014 projects are ready for layout and assembly during 2015. WOOT!

    I have a list of about a dozen projects under serious consideration for 2015 -- I want to cull that down to 4 with a fifth in reserve.

    Watching everyone work on such a wide variety of projects has been fun this year - looking forward to more scrappiness in 2015!!

  3. Thank you for a very fun 2014 scrappy challenge. I'm looking forward to 2015.

    Looks like you are setting yourself up for a productive 2015.

  4. I'm pushing for one last finish before year's end, then I think I'm ready to dive in when the new color is announced. Thanks for such a fun community!

  5. Thank you so much for hosting this again this year. I'm starting off January 1 by dumping all (5 or 8!) buckets of scraps and sorting into colors =).

  6. Looking forward to 2015! I have a few projects to carry over and a few new ones and lots of scraps to use up!

  7. I'm a new follower although I have been watching from afar seeing the scraphappy blocks others have been making. I'm keen to join in this year as my scrap situation is reaching crisis point!!

  8. I'm certainly going to join in again in 2015. I have thoroughly enjoyed RSC 2014, thanks so much Angela. I am hopeful of getting my ideas together before 1st January - perhaps too hopeful!

  9. Looking forward to 2015's RSC, although I think I'll be making more scraps next year than using them up!

  10. It was fun doing this challenge last year, and I'm looking forward to continuing it this year. Thanks for all your work on it.

  11. The last 3 months I have fallen apart and behind. I have been so busy with my mum and daughter..mhopefully 2015 I can join you again

  12. Oh an Orange Peel quilt.... can't wait to see that progress!

  13. Thanks for all of the fun and inspiration! Getting those scraps organized ahead of time for your orange peels is such a great idea. I have worked on getting my scraps and sewing studio organized in 2014 and I plan to continue into 2015 - it is a long-term project. ;)

  14. Hi! I am hoping to join in the fun in 2015. I have found a couple of small block patterns that I may try to use. One is a flower block and the other is a house block. I am thinking they may work together in a final quilt. But who knows, I may totally change my mind and come up with something completely different. I have loved seeing everyone's scrap projects since I was introduced to your blog a few months ago! May your last 3 days of 2014 be amazing! Hugs, Laura

  15. Kudos to scraphappy, and well done to all who did the RSC. I have been following along for most of the year and have been impressed with what folks are doing. I've been making some blocks too but still have two more colors to go to finish up 2014. Hope to participate more this year.


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