
Monday, March 16, 2015

Design Wall Monday March 16, 2015

 I got some milkweed at a butterfly garden session while I was at my science teacher convention earlier this year.  Look who moved in!  Aren't they sweet?  7 caterpillars are munching away at the leaves.
 How do you stop a quilter dead in her tracks?  Break her iron of course.  My iron has been temperamental lately, but yesterday after getting back from a meeting for school, I was so sad to find that my iron was completely dead.  So sad!  I think I can get a new one on my way home from academic team tonight.
So sadly, there were no more yellow blocks to add to my design wall, though many are in progress.  What's on your design wall today? 


  1. That caterpillar is fabulous! Look at the beautiful stripes. Do you have any idea what sort of butterfly will emerge?
    I started a new quilt yesterday, so the blocks are not quite to the design wall stage.

  2. That's a great idea; we have tons of butterflies but no monarchs! I will link to my design wall!

  3. Beautiful caterpillar! You will have lots of butterflies soon! Yea!

    Bummer that your iron died!! I hope you can get a new one soon. It looks like you were making good progress with your yellow blocks though!

  4. Oh my goodness... no iron!?!? I always have a back up just in case of such an emergency!

  5. I try NOT to get caterpillars!

    My favorite iron died after 8 years of all day work. A $225 Rowenta. The reason I love it was that it stayed on and didn't auto off. You can't find that anymore!

    I sure do miss that iron!

  6. Look for cocoons and emerging butterflies next. Keep your eye out for sales and get a back up iron. Even if it's just one of those little mini ones for applique - they work in a pinch. What a colourful design wall!

  7. Love those scrappy blocks! Your quilt is going to look fantastic.

  8. Hope you got a new iron and back to sewing again

  9. I dropped mine last year so now it does not turn off. I'll be curious to see what you get and how you decide what iron you get. I have a fairly cheap one right now but it works! I just have to remember to unplug it =)


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