
Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Binding Time

 I was awake at 6 in time for lifting, but did not go.  My back has been killing me since Saturday.  Bench press day, hard to hurt your back during bench press, but somehow I managed.  Instead I went and finished up the last of Miranda's T-shirt quilt before morning camp drop off.  Binding will be next.
First though, I am SO close to finishing the binding on Mai Tai Sunrise.  I might just be able to get it off to the post office today.  I have a ladies luncheon to go to at noonish.  Linda, my next door teacher and Patty, our super sub extraordinaire are planning it together.  I'm not sure what to expect, but it sounds like fun to me.  If I am diligent, I might just be able to run to the post office on my way to the luncheon.  I have been pretty productive lately, so it might just work.  


  1. Smart to rest the back; nice to power through some great projects. Have fun at the luncheon!

  2. Hope you managed to get all your ducks in a row. Sounds like you are "working" harder now than you do during the school year.

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