
Sunday, October 18, 2015

Brown Alternate Blocks

The block count for the brown 2.5 inch blocks is 24. I did a count back in June if you want to refer back now that it is time to start thinking about finishing off.
Brown alternate blocks appear in both the top and the bottom row.  In general, the cross blocks are split so that the color of the row is echoed above by a large zig zag swag of smaller squares.  Since brown forms the top row, there would not have been much of a chance to mirror above.
So I decided to pretend that the top and bottom of the quilt were continuous, and wrap the brown around to finish out the zig zag shape.
For the top row you will need 4 four patches made from 2.5 inch squares of brown and background.  In addition, 4 additional brown squares will become part of the center dark four patch.  Combined with the blue  and purple blocks from earlier this year, you will be making three large alternate blocks for the top row.  The center is brown on the top and blue on the bottom.  The left and right are a bit trickier.  Because the purple wraps around the corner, the outer half of each block is purple while the inner half in brown on the top and blue on the bottom.  Check out the pictures above to see how it works.
The bottom row is a little mirror image, but with red in the middle and pink on the right and left.  I found having a design wall really useful at this stage of assembly.  Most of the rows could be sewn together at this point.  There are only two lime green blocks to finish off next month.
It is actually starting to look like a quilt at this point!  Exciting, isn't it?


  1. I see from the last post your issue on the borders. I figured you would continue the chain into the border to frame the stars... using the background and colors as they fit with the picture. I've kept extra of the fabrics to handle what I need.... I hope!

  2. Nice decisions too be made. I think I have a plan and layout that work for me, too.

  3. I'm looking forward to seeing how this year's sampler comes together.

  4. Clever idea with the brown peeping up from the bottom Angela. Even though I'm behind, I am enjoying this project a lot so thank you very much.


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