
Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Sewing on the Road

 I am on the road for the rest of the week.  After two days of reading and editing test questions for the end of course exam, I am in need of some nice relaxing sewing.  Here is my portable design wall.
And of course, my portable ironing station.
Last night I finished these three Farmer's Wife blocks.  They were already  cut out.  After having a bit of trouble with the seam allowances on my back-up machine, I think everything is working properly now and I am ready to sew. 


  1. Looking good! Glad you are able to get some relaxing downtime while away.

  2. Your FW blocks are looking good on solid fabrics.
    Great you have free time to sew.

  3. I've never traveled with my sewing machine, but I notice that many people do! Are you traveling for work?

  4. Taking a lesson out of Bonnie Hunter's book, I see... way to use your time wisely!!

  5. The solids are so pretty. I've never done any blocks or quilts using just solids, but I might just have to give it a try because they are so bright and happy.

  6. Looks like you made a lot of progress while you were gone. It has to feel good having a chance to play with fabric after editing test questions.


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