
Sunday, November 22, 2015

Slow Sunday - Rainy Day Edition

I enjoyed reading about Kathy's experience with fall and the onset of winter.  It has been so hot here that we aren't feeling and change in the seasons yet.  It is a rainy day though, so staying in to catch up on slow stitching sounds just right.
 I have these applique orange peels ready to prep and need to get it done before Thanksgiving when we will have some car time and some sitting around hanging out with family time.  I have new motivation to finish off the orange peels this year so that I can start on Quilty 365 circles on January first.  I want mine to be a true calendar quilt quilt with each month laid out in weeks.  I have a plan all drawn up, but won't start until this current project is on to the next phase.  To check out more slow Sunday stitching, head over to Kathy's Quilts.  
November is all about getting quilts ready to go to the next phase.  There are enough of these postage stamp stars for two twin sized quilts with a few leftover for fun. They will be set with wide lattice and cornerstones which had me digging in the 2.5 inch square bin yesterday.  There weren't enough  of all of the colors and so one thing lead to another and the rest of the day was spent turning strips into squares and scraps into strips and generally playing with scraps.  I have one plastic shoebox already sorted by color and another one ready to be sorted and organized.  So, whatever projects go on the list for next year, one of them will definitely need to use 2.5 inch squares.  I am thinking about Arkansas Crossroads which would make a nice thematic addition to the Missouri Puzzle that is in the simmering stage.  To take a look at more scrap happiness, head over to Oh Scrap.  


  1. Those rainbow stars are so pretty! Looking forward to seeing what you do with them!

  2. My plan is to start the Quilty 365 on January first also. It will be fun to see everyone's take on the concept. Thanks for sharing all your rainbow blocks on Oh Scrap!

  3. Audrey probably had no clue how many people would end up joining this over time :)

  4. So glad to see you have several projects going at once! Anxious to see your orange peel!

  5. I'm another who's planning to start Quilty 365 on Jan 1st. If I don't cave sometime before that... 8)
    I'm enjoying seeing all the decision making for next year's RSC!

  6. Great you have some time to slow stitching the orange peels this Sunday. I absolutetly am in love with your stars. I am thinking to join in the Rainbow Challenge for 2016. Have a great week

  7. Your postage stamp stars are really pretty! They will look wonderful all sewn together.

    We've just had some really unusual snow/ice pellets -- maybe refrozen snowflakes? That's a new one for me! But, it's looking like a relatively warm winter here too this year. :D

  8. These rainbow blocks and the orange peel ones are both going to be fun to put into a quilt! Nice to see updates on your work!

  9. Looks like you've got lots to play with for next year. I see a postage stamp quilt in my future for next year. I've got lots of 1.5" strips left over from the Twinkle Star blocks.

  10. So many wonderful projects on the go in your sewing room!
    I haven't sewn the peels for a while... must get back to those!


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