
Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Fabric Organization

So I've been on a bit of an organizational kick lately.  I think a lot of us do that around the new year.
 I ordered this pack of comic book boards from amazon and used it to fold my fabric.
Look at how pretty it is all bookshelf style in the fabric cupboard!  It does seem much easier to access this way.  So far I've done most of the neutrals and all of the blues.  A few miscellaneous bits made it in as well before I ran out of boards.  I guess that is enough organization for today.  Back to sewing!


  1. I enjoy the comic book boards for organizing fabric also they seem to create a lot more space.
    Now I need to control scraps so have decided to resume the RSC16. Thanks for all you do with that program.

  2. So neat and tidy and easily accessible! Most of my fabric stash is folded neatly and in cupboards or baskets and then there is the rest.... Even with the fabric that is neat and organized I have a lot of trouble seeing and finding what I have because it is all stacked on top of each other.

  3. Many years ago I refolded all of my fabric over my 8.5" wide ruler and then stacked them on bookshelves by color. It works well until I need the bottom fabric in the blue, green, white or cream. Those stacks are too high for easy removal of the bottom fab! I love how I can see my fabrics so easily though. How do big hunks of fabric work with the comic boards? I'm hoping to make some dents in my fabric this year. I definitely need to make some blue and/or green quilts!

  4. Comic book boards look like a fabric collector's secret weapon!! Off to check them out on Amazon...

  5. I used the comic book boards too, and they were amazing! Takes up so much less space than piles of fabric. Of course, now I have all these extra boards. . .wonder what will happen there? :) Have a great day!

  6. I love this!!! I don't have the space to store fabric that way, but I love the way it looks! So much easier to spot what you need, right?? Looks GREAT! :)

  7. Wow! It looks so nice. I need to get cleaning my sewing room as well. We'll see when that happens!

  8. I have so much fabric that I'd spend a fortune on comic book boards. I'm sticking with the fold-around-the-ruler method. Works for me! Every so often I pull the stacks off the shelves and realign them so they look nice and tidy. (For a few days, at least.)

  9. I have A LOT of fabric, so I think my best bet is to just get sewing! But yours does look fabulous organized like that. Love all of the organizing that you are achieving.

  10. I have read about these clic boards on many blogs, such a good idea and I'm going to search to see if they are available in New Zealand, if not I will check out Amazon. Angela could you tell me the size of these please?

  11. I’ve tried that before, too, but I had so much that just didn’t seem to fit. Of course, now they go into my scrap drawers, so I should reorganize again. I did orient them from upright to horizontal and seem to like them better that way, but I know I’m an odd duck. Really, though, I don’t think even Martha Stewart could make my shelves look nice.

  12. When my husband adds shelving to my studio, he wants to go this comic board route. I need to plan ahead for my, "Aw, just give me the rest of the bolt" ways of the past. How many continuous, folded yards works comfortably on each board? TIA.

  13. Those boards must be an American thing, because I have no idea what they are. Must go Google them to see what comes forth. Your shelves look way too neat for a quilter LOL

  14. I so need to do this with my fabrics!
    I'm happy to be back with the scrappy challenge and it so happens that blue is where I left off.

  15. Fabric organization is always a challenge. Looks like you've tamed some of yours. It is so nice when they are folded up where you can see what you have. Unfortunately I'd rather sew than organize.

  16. I also use the comic book card boards for wrangling my stash. It has changed my life. Sounds rather dramatic but I spend a lot less time sorting through fabric and a lot more sewing. They are so economical too.


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