
Friday, January 1, 2016

Quilty Circles 365 - Day 1

I've been looking forward to starting the Quilty 365 Quilt along with daily circles since it started.  I was good though, and finished off my orange peels first.  I wanted to start on January 1 in any case to make it a true calendar quilt.  Since today is Friday, I picked out some background squares to fill in Monday through Thursday for this week.  I think that I will try to assemble the weeks as I go.  The blue circle is from one extra 3.5 inch square that I had left when I finished piecing the Twinkle Star blocks for my column-along quilt today.  I have a feeling that I lot of my days will be inspired by the colors of the month.
I sat and appliquéd the circle while watching the Rose Bowl football game with Kurt, but the Hawkeyes are not having a such great day.  Maybe it would be best to slip back into the sewing room and get a bit more sewing done instead?  


  1. Welcome to our quilty're going to enjoy this journey!

  2. The Rose Bowl?! I must be getting old. I completely forgot about the Tournament of Roses Parade this morning!! Apparently, there is a 1st time for everything. :o((

  3. It's been interesting to see all the different approaches to the Circles 365. Enjoy the process this year.

  4. I love seeing all circles popping up on different blogs. I thought of making the circles blue in January, but found that I would go for two different projects.

  5. Yay! I started yesterday, just to be contrary. 8)
    I have a feeling a blue or two will be sneaking into my 365s too, this month!

  6. I started my Quilty 365 today so I can make it a calendar quilt too. Hope I can keep up!

  7. Glad to see you are joining in with the circles - it's always fun seeing what everyone's done.

  8. Todas disfrutamos cosiendo. Enhorabuena por unirte a este bonito proyecto de Audrey . Un saludo

  9. This looks like an auspicious start to the year. I also used fabrics from other recent projects in my first block!

  10. Cada día somos más en este Proyecto.

  11. Welcome to a fellow new starter, yay! Love the blue batik (I think?) in your first one.

  12. Wonderful start! Sometimes I long for the quiet of my quilting room but then it's only really quiet when nobody else is home.:)

  13. A great start to your circles!
    I got carried away and did many a day, not just one!

  14. I am pleased that others are only just started the 365 Circles - I may not do one per day, we shall see.
    The Circle project is an ideal one to combine with the RSC 2016 - now that is a thought, would you mind if I possible followed your example?

  15. Glad you joined in! It's hard to resist and it's fun seeing all the different interpretations of Quilty 365.

  16. I'm looking forward to doing this challenge with everyonw this year. THanks for hosting Angela.

  17. Looks like you managed quite a 'bit more' quilting! Nice work.

  18. What a good idea to start with the calendar. (I was afraid I'd never get to it if I didn't start sooner.) This will be a better record of the year.

  19. Welcome to the gang. Enjoy your circle journey!


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