
Saturday, May 7, 2016

ScrapHappy Saturday - Evergreen Forest

Today begins the green month.  In celebration, I am giving away this bundle of hand dyed fabric from Vicki Welsh.  In celebration of the imminent start of summer vacation you may enter the drawing by leaving a comment on this post with your favorite summer activity.  Vicki has a new website, so be sure to go and visit.  Mister linky is below.  I know the green month is just starting, but be sure to share you projects and plans.  Our sampler block this month will be a 3 by 6 flying goose.  I'll work on the tutorial for that soon.  I will be using my companion angle ruler, but I'll be sure to include links to all  some of the different ways there are to make flying geese.


  1. My favorite summer activity is sleeping in. It's probably only 30 minutes, but that's better than nothing!

  2. Swimming! Hope to sew a little green today so I can link up later today. Enjoy the nice weather today.

  3. Hello Angela. My favorite summer activity is visiting the yard sales and festivals going on in the surrounding towns looking for interesting crafty items.

  4. Cooling off in the mountains. Put me on a mountain top any summer day and I'd be happy.

  5. Is wearing sandals an activity? It is one of my favourite parts of summer. But the 1 specific activity I'm looking forward to is going on a road trip with my hubby.

  6. Gardening is my fav summer activity followed by eating, canning, drying or freezing all that produce!

  7. My favourite activity is hand stitching while at the beach :)

  8. My favorite activity is to escape from the heat by hanging out in my sewing room.

  9. My favorite summer activity is camping by the lake or at the casino. I get to sit in the shade and watch my granddaughters swim while drinking ice tea and nibbling on ice cold watermelon or cucumber slices.

  10. Sewing in the garden - weather permitting!

  11. I love wearing sandals and being able to go outside without a coat or sweater. A summer road trip is nice, too.
    Beautiful color this month. Lovely giveaway, Vickie. Thank you. And Thank you for hosting this scrappy challenge, Angela!

  12. First is going to Lake Placid for a week. The daily summer activity is sitting on the porch, drawing, painting, reading and writing. It is renewing to my spirit. LeeAnna

  13. I enjoy the band concerts in the park, but haven't been able to do that. I also garden and just being outdoors is good for me.

  14. I just love being able to wear less clothes, sandals and such.

  15. My favorite activity is scout summer camp - my kids go and I get to stay home and sew in my cool-temperature basement. Ha! Loved looking at everyone's 'green' projects. Just lovely! Thanks for offering the sweet give-a-way! ♥

  16. Favorite summer time activity...all revolves around family. Picnics. Ballgames. Beaches. Off leash dog parks.

  17. My favourite summer activities are gardening, shop hopping for fabulous quilty finds and reading outdoors first thing in the morning with a cup of something warm. The first I do on a weekly basis; the second on a monthly basis and the last is a daily occurrence unless it rains. So happy to work with green as the leaves unfurl and the plants begin to peak out of the soil.

  18. Hanging out in nature.

  19. Mine is to sit by the lake and just listen to the calming water!
    Now if the wind is not blowing I would applique.

    When I was younger I loved to fish and water ski. Humm a few years back.

  20. My favorite summer activity is driving along the quiet country roads in New England with my dad in his old MGA. It's peaceful and beautiful away from the hectic cities!

  21. My favorite thing to do in the summer is go to a baseball game. Unfortunately, my favorite teams are both quite mediocre this year!

  22. already busy working on my blocks

  23. My favorite summer activity is poolside knitting/swimming/knitting and reading! Sewing is for the mornings!

  24. i love to watch the clouds above float by in the daytime either on the grass or a comfy chair!

  25. My favorite summer pastime is to reap the bounty from the vegetable garden I have planted in the spring

  26. My favorite summer activity is gardening! But then there's also hiking and swimming. Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  27. My favourite summer pastime is doing performance events with my Portuguese Water Dog - agility, obedience, tracking and water work.

  28. My favorite summer activities is growing and admiring pots of flowers. My "green" thumb isn't very green but I can sometimes get that satisfaction from seeing the "fruits" of my labor.

  29. Too early to do much yet but gardening is my favorite activity. I just love fresh vegetables from my garden.

  30. I love to be out on my deck, sipping my coffee, in the early morning sun rays during summertime. It smells fresh, the birds singing, no children playing yet, sometimes the fog is still hanging to the trees at the edge of the forest.It is a peaceful moment between nature and I that I cherish a lot. And then, the day start. ;^)

  31. As a teacher, I love the summer for many reasons! I can sleep in later than 6:00 AM; I can read whatever I want rather than what I have to for my job; I can spend all the time I want in the garden and the pool; and best of all, I can hang out late with my family and friends without coming home early to correct papers!

  32. Hi, Kathy. I finally have a post to link this week but I can't seem to get past the image link. I've tried several times but don't know what the problem is. Anyway, my post is at Thanks if you can help.

    Summer is my least favorite season. It's usually very humid and muggy in Ohio, but I do love seeing the trees in full leaf and watching a summer thunderstorm.

    Thanks for creating and hosting RSC.

    --Nancy. (ndmessier @,

  33. my favorite summertime activity is quilting inside in the cool a/c. summers in southwest texas are brutal!

  34. Gardening thanks for this great giveaway! 😊 (at)gmail (dot) com

  35. Thanks for adding my post, Angela. (And sorry for the inconvenience.) I don't know what the problem is/was. I'll try it again next week and maybe it will work.

  36. I hope you had a nice Mother's Day. I enjoy seeing all the green projects popping up.

  37. I love to harvest my own strawberries & veggies! pjrquilter(at)msn(dot)com

  38. My favorite summer activity is going to a water park with our almost 9 year old son.

  39. My favorite summer activity is traveling and visiting the grandkids. Oh, and the MN quilt shop hop comes during August and that is right up at the top of the list!


I love to hear from you. Thanks for leaving comments.