
Saturday, May 14, 2016

ScrapHappy Saturday -- Green with Envy

May is almost halfway done and all I have to show on the sewing front is this one flying goose block.  It took about 10 minutes to make.  I did almost finish a t-shirt quilt that needs to be ready before graduation.  It just needs binding.  Life is crazy and happy around here.  Every week I keep thinking that surely things will calm down, maybe next week will be that week?
My AP kids happily took their exam on Monday.  I always make breakfast to send them off happy.  Not only did they leave happy, but most of them came back out happy which is always a good thing.  They always want to talk about the test right away, which isn't allowed of course.  They released the free response questions on Wednesday, but by then they didn't want to talk about the test anymore.  Then on Thursday and Friday, my freshman went in for their End of Course exam.  They were done super fast and ready to go back to class by the time I was supposed to see them.  They wanted to talk about the test too, which also isn't allowed.  We watched The Bee movie for decompression and they all enjoyed that.  Monday we will start working on our final projects of the year and then exams start on Thursday.
I really do think that it looks like a fairly calm weekend.  I need to go out and check on our camera traps and Ryan has a play practice.  No out of town LAX, no weekend study sessions, no out of town trips.  I wonder what I will do with myself?  Oh, wait, I do know what I will do myself.  You can be sure that fabric will be involved!


  1. At least I'm not the only one who's behind this month, but you have good reason - mine is a new kitten!

  2. Here's to June and sewing back in its rightful place!

  3. Enjoy your weekend! I keep waiting for life to slow down. I'm still waiting! Maybe if I plan a vacation to the beach this summer I'll make sure to get some relaxing time in =)

  4. Sounds like summer is on the horizon! Even retired teachers like me remember that wonderful feeling of summer break being almost here!

  5. Enjoy your well-deserved fabric time!

  6. So glad you will have some relaxing sewing time this weekend... you deserve it!

  7. I have gotten so comfortable with my easy angle and companion angle rulers ever since your encouragement with using them. I got 27 flying geese units sewn together into a long row and I only lost one point! That is amazing for me. I used the easy angle set as I wanted them all scrappy and I don't want to draw diagonal lines, that left out the other methods. I have grown so much with traditional piecing since i joined up with this challenge in 2013.! Each month is always a joy.

  8. My green blocks are all made so for once I'm ahead. Mine are easy blocks to make so they go together quickly.

  9. I made the green flying geese into a column of trees. Brown accent for the trunks. Sorry I goofed up on the link. It takes you to the April block instead of the May block. You can scroll back a couple of pictures for May if you would like to.

  10. I caught up with last year's RSC and made a green wonky star. Sadly, Mr Linky won't let me connect and add my picture.

  11. Looks like the end is in sight for this school year. Hopefully you did get in some good stitching time last weekend. Drama Teen has finished all her AP tests, now it's time for finals. Just 6 days of school left for her and then she'll be a senior!

  12. A almost lost this linky party due to problems with the internet, from Saturday to Tuesday morning... Sounds like vacation time is near. Have a great week


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