
Sunday, July 23, 2017

Slow Down Sunday

These orange peel blocks were my hand applique project from two years ago.  I was trying to showcase the scraps of hand dyes and batiks from other projects.  The blocks have been finished for ages, just waiting to be put together into a top.  I seem to always get bogged down at that stage.  It is all together now though!  I have a backing fabric picked out, that won't take long to piece together.  After that a quilting decision needs to be made.  I'd love to hand quilt it, but I'm still not done with the hand quilting project that I have in progress.  Decisions!  Maybe if I go and pull out that other quilt in progress it will motivate me to get it finished up.  First though, I think there is laundry and the kitchen needs some attention.  Even on summer break, life happens.  If only everything didn't need such constant attention and upkeep I'd have more time for quilting.
The best way to procrastinate for a while longer though, is to spend some time with Kathy at Slow Stitching Sunday, and check out Oh Scrap before real life takes over.  


  1. This looks wonderful. My orange peel from last year is in the closet waiting for decisions as well :)

  2. Such a pretty quilt! You'll come up with the right decision on how to quilt it. Either way it will be a beautiful finish!

  3. I wasn't sure about the piano key border when you showed it to us earlier, but now that it is sewn and attached, it was a PERFECT choice! Glad to hear that I'm not the only one procrastinating about the chores. Enjoy the rest of your weekend... chores and all.

  4. You are making me want to make another one! Let it rest a bit and then decide. Great way to showcase those lovely fabrics.

  5. So pretty! I love your orange peel blocks, and the piano key border sets them off beautifully!

  6. Ok.
    That's it.
    I've seen so many beautiful orange peels online that I must make my own!
    Your's is the deciding quilt for me - it's just so beautiful! Whatever decisions you make will only enhance it's beauty! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing your talents and gorgeous quilt!

  7. I love orange peels - and your looks great! I agree - I am also procrastinating by reading these lovely posts!

  8. It looks great! You are moving forward with your project, and that's all that counts.

  9. This quilt is so wonderfully bright and happy. The border really finished it off perfectly. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  10. The piano key border looks wonderful with the rainbow of orange peels! Congratulations on getting this one put together!

  11. Oh this is so true. You think that with summer break there will be so very much time to get so very much done, but that just never happens. That orange peel quilt is very pretty.

  12. Way to go! My days are full of catching up and cleaning up, but I think it makes me relish the free moments even more. (Or if it doesn't, I need to work on that!). I hope your day was splendid.

  13. Such a beautiful, beautiful quilt top! I'm sure that whatever you decide to do will be gorgeous!

  14. This is so pretty! I love all of the different colors in the blocks and I am a huge fan of the pieced border. :)

  15. Looks so pretty and cheerful.

  16. So beautiful!
    I wish I would work on my orange peel project!

  17. What bright, beautiful colors!! Well worth a finish.

  18. Wow! LOVE your colorful quilt!


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