
Saturday, August 26, 2017

ScrapHappy Saturday - Rounding out Neutrals

The neutral month is nearing the end.  Hopefully you are clearing out a few low volume scraps.  I am almost ready to finish a Rainbow quilt which has been in progress for a while now.

I went out last weekend and picked up a few fabrics for borders and backing.  Now it is just a matter of getting it all put together and finished off.  What scrappy fun have you been up to?  Misterlinky is ready and waiting for your weekly report.
I'll be watching the weather while I sew, hoping for the best for everybody in Texas.  Its been a while since anything this big has hit. I hope everyone is ready or that they went somewhere safe to wait it out.


  1. Happy stitching this weekend. Hopefully you'll get your rainbow quilt finished soon.

  2. Looking forward to seeing what you do with those border fabrics! Have a great weekend!

  3. I'm looking forward to seeing your finished quilt when you're done with the borders. Thanks for hosting! Andrea

  4. Your quilt top is beautiful! :)

  5. Congrats on your near finish, must feel so good. The border and backing fabrics are going to look great with your quilt top.

  6. It looks like you picked up some fun fabrics! Have a relaxing weekend!

  7. Seems like I am always late posting to the Saturday update. Making progress on my Jack's Chain with the first two blocks completed and sewn together :)


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