
Wednesday, September 13, 2017


We are stuck in a strange holding pattern here.  School is always cancelled for just one more day, or until further notice.  Though the damage wasn't severe, it is still wide spread and recovery is slow.  And so I sit and stitch.  I am SO close to being done with the Leap Year Circle Quilt.  SEW close.
 I did venture out this morning to pick up the camera traps from Hundred Acre Hollows.  There is standing water from Irma.  Ducks have already discovered a new swimming sight.
The drive was less than pleasant.  About 75% of the stop lights are still out.  This one was working, just a bit askew.  Don't worry, I didn't take the photo while driving.  I made Ryan come along to get him out of the house for a bit.  Then this afternoon I took the girls out for lunch and a movie.  The mall was on a boil water warning, so no fountain drinks and everything was served out of takeaway containers.  Still, it was nice to get out of the house for a bit.  No school again tomorrow, not sure yet about Friday.  Monday, ironically, was scheduled as a teacher workday.  There is definite discussion of turning it into a school day instead.  So many things out of my control.  Until life gets back to normal, I will sit and stitch a bit more.  


  1. You are fortunate to have something constructive to do during the holding pattern that is currently life after Irma. I'm looking forward to seeing this one put together (and wishing I had made one of my own!)

  2. It must be a very strange time to be living through. We are so programmed to be rushing from one thing to another, lives dominated by appointments, things to do. Glad you are managing to concentrate on your stitching.

  3. A very odd time but so glad you and your family escaped the worst! I'm always glad for hand work during times of stress.😊

  4. Just enjoy your stitching time, school will start soon enough. And you will have make-up days to teach so you'll probably be going to school longer next summer.

  5. I sure hope the slow recovery time in your area means they are focusing their efforts on areas more desperate for help.

  6. Such an odd time - almost 4 years ago to this day we had extreme flooding and were essentially stranded from the rest of the state - such a strange holding pattern... I am so glad you all are safe and are still able to do things. Hugs!!

  7. So glad you escaped most of Irma. So many people's lives are so topsy-turvy. Prayers and hugs.

  8. Well you are making good use of your unexpected "free"time. Good thing because you know you'll have to make up those lost days eventually. And at least you have power and can sew.

  9. Sewing is our solace. I live in the Panhandle and we have been hit numerous times. Ivan was the last in 2004 and he wrecked havoc on our area. My office building at the time had the roof lifted on one side and that started a full 3 months of renovation and pitching things out. This too shall pass but Irma will always hold a special place in your memories. Here we talk about Erin and Opal, direct hits in 1995 and Ivan in 2004. Nice to know a fellow Floridian.

  10. Your Leap Year Circles are really coming along. Looks like there's still a lot to fix before things get back to normal. Hopefully you and the kids are back at school soon.


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