
Sunday, January 7, 2018

Slow and Scrappy Sunday

 It is the last vacation day before school starts again.  That seemed like the perfect time to pull out Dear Jane again and try to make some progress toward finishing the last three borders before the end of this year.
5 blue triangles seemed like a great place to start.  I picked this one because it needed some applique work on the melons.  Applique is the perfect activity for Slow Stitching Sunday.  
The last three days have been busy madly stitching on Squared Away.  With those blocks all done for the year, I am ready to catch up again on all of the scrappy leader and ender blocks produced along the way.  I'm linking up with Oh Scrap! and with Slow Stitching Sunday today.  Then I guess it is back to reality and I'll start thinking about lesson plans again.  


  1. great stack of rainbow scrappy leader and ender blocks!

  2. I have been thinking about making a bunch of 9 patches as L/Es this year. I don't often make them without a plan but your stacks of odd blocks is sure inspiring. Thanks for linking up with Oh Scrap!

  3. Happy to see Dear Jane make an appearance - I hope you do get it finished by year end. :)

  4. I was thinking "what bright fun colors on a snowy day".

  5. It looks like you've been having lots of scrappy fun!

  6. What wonderful piles of blocks! Enjoy your melons... the calm before the storm of returning to work!

  7. I love your Dear Jane block, blue again ;). Enjoy this back to school!

  8. Hope the first week back to school went well. It's hard to get back in the groove again after the break. Did you have any classes canceled due to the cold?

  9. Applique is the perfect activity for any day!


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